

「そして、言いかえれば、流れ星は俺たちよりもずっと早く、未来に向かって飛んでいくんだよ ─ ほら、耳を澄ませてごらん、流れ星の高らかな呼び声が聞こえてこないか?」



< English Translation >

Mr and Ms Younger Generations, just listen please. 

You might well remember looking up at so many shooting stars, begging them some tips of lucks onto yourself. Yet, the known reality is this way - all those stars, huge or tiny, are originated back to the very first mass and time of the Universe, and they have seen thousands-times-thousands-times-thousands-times-many many and many years, by burning their energy loads, transforming their chemical composites, redirecting their traveling paths, surviving countless phases along with various galaxies and planets. 

What do I mean to say ? Simple puzzle. Today, each of those shooting stars has lived half-lost then half-new, like everything we know, and we can recognise their past pains turn into future tunes. Now is the time that You, Mr and Ms Younger Generations, will be wild to believe that the newer side of things will lead You to brighter days. Catch and jump on your star ! Brace yourself !

Tak "Timefetcher" Yamamoto